The team has experience working on large-scale caravaning, mobility and other production AI systems. We are tightly connected to one of the biggest European AI research groups at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
We are developing artificial intelligence based products and machine learning tools for caravaning, mobility, and logistics area.
More than 15 years of experience building novel mobility solutions, large scale production systems, mobile applications and IOT (Internet of Things) services.
Analysis of the vehicles fleet, shipments, rates, and constraints to produce realistic load plans and vehicles optimization that reduces overall freight spend and gain efficiencies across entire transportation networks.
Advanced software and hardware system for recreational vehicles and mobile houses.
Monitoring, remote control, tracking and additional useful services for their mobile asset. Functionalities are not fixed, because software is flexible and any imaginable functionality can be added later.
Features differ for manufacturers and end users.
Intelligent and easy to use, automatic
HS code classification service. Match product descriptions and Harmonized system codes, with 98% accuracy under 2 seconds.
Our system is the only AI-based HS classifier with flexible integration options.
Our intelligent system enhances efficiency and reduces maintenance costs across various applications.
RRI izdelek je pametni paketnik nameščen na lokaciji naročnika paketov. Namenjen je dostavi in prevzemu paketov preko dostavnih služb. RRI izdelek je zasnovan s pomočjo ekodizajna, ki omogoča prehod v krožno gospodarstvo.
Solvesall d.o.o.
Solvesall Labs d.o.o.
Trzaska 68a
1000 Ljubljana
Solvesall d.o.o.
Izanska cesta 212A
1000 Ljubljana
VAT: SI99432463
Solvesall d.o.o.
Solvesall Labs d.o.o.
Trzaska 68a
1000 Ljubljana
Solvesall d.o.o.
Izanska cesta 212A
1000 Ljubljana
VAT: SI99432463